Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre
Type of organization: Museum, resource center and library
Public education events and annual Holocaust Education Week activities across the Greater Toronto Area and in regional communities. Commemorative services and events. Development of educational tools for use in schools or as pre and post museum visit activities. Library Resource Collection of over 7,000 texts and 400 digitized video testimonies. Speakers’ bureau, educator conferences, and teacher development workshops, museum collection, film and lecture series, school tours, and annual symposium for high school students.
Established (Year): 1985
AHO Member: Yes
Dara Solomon (Executive Director)
Glennie Lindenberg (Chair)
Carson Phillips (Managing Director)
Michelle Fishman (Education, Outreach & Communications Manager)
Rachel Libman (Manager, Public Programs)
Anna Skorupsky (Librarian)
Paula Carabeo (Administrative Assistant)
Dan Panneton (Education and Programs Assistant)
Find out more
4600 Bathurst Street
M2R 3V2 Toronto
Work: (1)416-635-2883
Fax: (1)416-635-0925