Montreal Holocaust Museum
Type of organization: Museum, Education and Resource Center
Collection of 13,146 artifacts and documents and 838 digitized video testimonies. Commemorative services and events. Speakers’ bureau. Development of educational tools for use in schools or as pre and post museum visit activities on Holocaust history and human rights issues,in English and French. Teacher training on Holocaust and human rights education. Public education events. and Research and partnership with universities. Outreach and partnership with nonprofit organizations working on human rights issues. Virtual and travelling exhibitions Video excerpts of survivor testimony available at: https//www.youtube.com/channel/UC9PMtXNSDgG14babVyRCL
Established (Year): 1979
AHO Member: Yes
Daniel Amar (Executive Director)
Find out more
5151 Cote St. Catherine Road
(Maison Cummings)
H3W 1M6 Montreal
work (1)514-345-2605
fax (1)514-344-2651