Kindertransport Association, Inc.
Type of organization: Kindertransport is an organization of the nearly 10000 children who were able to emigrate to England from Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia which was made possible by a special act of British parliament, in response to Kristallnacht. The children's transports took place between December 1938 until August 1939.
Speakers’ bureau of Kinder and Second Generation, financial support for agencies which help children in need, and for destitute survivors of the Kindertransport, exhibit consisting of 17 panels depicting the history of the Kindertransports; available to museums, Jewish Centers, synagogues, etc. Contact: KTA office
Established (Year): 1990
AHO Member: Yes
Melissa Hacker (President)
Anita Weisbord (Vice-President)
Kim Estes Fradis (Treasurer)
Find out more
PO Box 1444
10113 New York
New York
Work: (1)212-255-50812
Fax: (1)516-827-3329