AMCHA: Israeli Centers for Holocaust Survivors and the Second Generation
Type of organization: Non-profit organization providing psychosocial support to survivors of the Holocaust and the second generation
AMCHA, at its branches in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Beersheva, is the only organization in Israel providing a full range of psychological and other services to the community of Holocaust survivors and their families, including intensive individual treatment, group therapy and various other innovative therapies, social clubs, taping of personal testimony and support groups. It advises, trains and networks with other professionals who work with survivors, as well as those working with other post-traumatic situations (e.g. Rwanda, Croatia etc.). Staff regularly visits and cares for infirmed and disabled survivors in their homes and nursing homes
Established (Year): 1987
AHO Member: No
Dan Waldman (Executive Director)
Martin Auerbach (Clinical Director)
Find out more
National Office
23 Rehov Hillel
P.O. Box 2930
91029 Jerusalem
work (972) 2-625-0634
fax (972) 2-625-0669