United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Type of organization: Memorial museum
The US Holocaust Memorial Museum examines how and why the Holocaust was allowed to happen and what lessons it holds for society including how genocide can be prevented today. The Museum broadens public understanding of the history of the Holocaust through multi-faceted programs: exhibitions; research and publication;collecting and preserving material evidence;art and artifacts relating to the Holocaust; annual Holocaust commemorations known as Days of Remembrance; distribution of educational materials and teacher resources; and a variety of public programming designed to enhance understanding of the Holocaust and related issues, including those of contemporary significance.
Established (Year): 1993
AHO Member: Yes
Sara J. Bloomfield (Director)
Sarah Ogilvie ( Chief Program Officer)
Paul Shapiro ( Director of International Affairs)
Lisa Leff (Director, Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies)
Tad Stahnke (Director, Initiative on Holocaust Denial and Antisemitism)
Rebecca Boehling ( Director, National Institute for Holocaust Documentation)
Naomi Kikoler ( Director, Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide)
Gretchen Skidmore (Director, Education Initiatives)
Diane Saltzman (Director, Constituency Engagement)
Sarah Lumbard (Senior Digital Curator, Museum Experience and Digital Media)
Tim Kaiser ( Director, Educational Research and Development)
Kristine Donly (Deputy Chief Program Officer and Interim Director. Levine Institute for Holocaust Education)
Marcus Applebaum (Director, Initiative on the Holocaust and Civic Responsibility)
Jennifer Ciardelli (Director, Initiative on the Holocaust and Professional Leadership)
Find out more
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
20024-2156 Washington
District of Columbia
Work: (1) 202-488-0400
Fax: (1) 202-488-2690