NSW Jewish Board of Deputies
Type of organization: Official roof-body of the Jewish community in New South Wales with which 63 communal organizations are affiliated. Recognized & acknowledged by the State Government, its agencies, the media and Churches as the representative body of the NSW Jewish Community.
Coordination of Shoah Remembrance and Education in the NSW Jewish Community, sponsorship of Holocaust education resources for Australian schools, combats racism and anti-Semitism, oversees communal security, supports Jewish education, promotes community relations and advances tolerance, human rights, and democratic values throughout the wider community, provides leadership for the Jewish community
Established (Year):
AHO Member: No
Judy Wilkenfeld (Chief Executive Officer)
Robert Klarnet (Public Affairs Director)
Alla Pilman (Research Officer)
Find out more
146 Darlinghurst Road
2010 Darlinghurst
Work: (61)2-936-01600
Fax: (61)2-933-14712