Les Territoires de la Mémoire – Centre d’Education à la Tolérance et à la Résistance
Type of organization: Non-profit organization, Mission: to promote tolerance and resistance as well as fight against racism and the extreme right
Permanent exhibition about deportation in the nazis camps. Temporary exhibitions: 1. “Triangle Rouge” (the XX Century by the eyes of a journalist-resistant : the rise of extremism before WWII, The WWII, deportation and extremism after the WWII), 2. “Si je t’oublie…” (If I forget you…) : photos of camps in all Europe by Luc-Mary Rabine and text by Viviane Rabine, 3. “Notre regard a changé” : 50 young people visit Mauthausen and Dachau (MJT). Also houses a library and documentation center on the concentration camps, the Nazi extermination, dictators, totalitarian regimes, the extreme right, and racism.
Established (Year): 1993
AHO Member: No
Jacques Smits (Director)
Charles Colin (President)
Philippe Marchal (Coordinator)
Find out more
Boulevard d'Avroy, 86
4000 Liège
Work: (32)4-232-7060
Fax: (32)04-232-7065