KZ-Gedenkstaette Mittlebau-Dora
Type of organization: Memorial site, museum, learning and documentation centre
Memorial offers guided tours of camp grounds and tunnel system; group tours by previous arrangement. Printed information and books are available at the Learning and Documentation Centre. A film on the history of the Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp is shown at the centre several times a day (German, English, French). The archives and the library are accessible by previous arrangement.
Established (Year): 1964
AHO Member: No
A. Fiedermann (Information)
Jens-Christian Wagner (Director)
Regine Heubaum (Head of Documentation Center)
Find out more
Kohnsteinweg 20
99734 Nordhausen
Work: (49) 36-314-95-80
Fax: (49) 36-31-49-58-13