Jewish Labor Committee Collection Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Type of organization: Archive
Early in 1985, the non-current records of the Jewish Labor Committee were transferred to the Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. The collection, comprising 800 boxes of material from 1934-1980, includes manuscripts and printed documents in English, Yiddish, Polish and other languages, as well as photographs, scrapbooks, posters and films. The Holocaust-period files are of particular interest to people researching: anti-Nazi movements, rescue and relief activity in the 1930’s and 1940’s, Jewish Underground movements and resistance in wartime Europe, responses of American labor (Jewish and non-Jewish) to the rise of Fascism, the JLC’s interaction with other Jewish organizations (The Jewish Labor Bund, Labor Zionists, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the Workmen’s Circle, the American Jewish Congress, the Vaad Hahatzlaha, and others) in the anti-Nazi effort, Jewish immigration and family history (biographical data on Holocaust survivors and other refugees).
Established (Year):
AHO Member: No
Chela Weber (Archivist)
Find out more
Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University
70 Washington Square South
10th Floor
10012 New York
New York
Work: (1)212-998-2630