The International Directory
of Holocaust Organizations

The International Directory
of Holocaust Organizations

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United States of America

Holocaust Oral History Archive of Gratz College

Type of organization: Archive (900 audiotaped testimonies of Holocaust survivors, liberators, and other witnesses, partially transcribed), memorabilia, unpublished memoirs, letters and diaries, memorial books and survivor registers, contributor to the oral history archives of the USHMM and Yad Vashem.


Ongoing interviewing of survivors and witnesses; collection open to researchers, teachers and students onsight; interlibrary library loan of transcripts available through Gratz College Tuttleman Library. Select transcripts available through the USHMM collections. Digitization of sound recordings in process.

Established (Year): 1979

AHO Member: No


Josey G. Fisher (Director)

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19027 Melrose Park




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